

Father's Day Weekend.

This weekend was full of lots of visiting with family and friends, as Phoenix trips always are...

Rick was in Tampa Bay all week for work, so I traveled up to Phoenix Thursday afternoon to spend some time with my friend Ann. A little while back she had some complications with her pregnancy and was ordered to be on bed rest. She is someone that is always on the go, so it was especially hard for her. On Thursday she was given the all clear to venture out of the house, so I took her out for a little shopping and some dinner. I was so happy to see her up on her feet, but you should have seen how slowly I went over speed bumps and took corners.

Friday morning I picked Rick up at the airport, and he spent the rest of the morning napping and recovering from his trip. Then we headed over to Joe and Jill's house to swim and BBQ. I hadn't seen Jill since I got pregnant, so she was loving the bump I was sporting, and generously gave me her breast pump, body pillow, car mirror, and many bottles. When she comes to Tucson next she is letting me raid her parent's house for the rest of her son's old baby stuff. I am so lucky to have her as a friend- she has really made this whole baby planning thing much easier!

Saturday was my brother Mike's and his girlfriend Carissa's baby shower at their house. It was co-ed so Rick came with, and we ate lots of candy, played some games, and played with her kids.

After the shower we all rested up and headed out to dinner to celebrate Father's Day with my side of the family. It was surreal that both my brothers and husband were all celebrating their first Father's Day together... Next year will be crazy, as all of the babies will be here and not in Moms' bellies.

Sunday morning we slept in, and my Mom made eggs benedict and Rick's favorite potatoes for them for Dad's Day. Since she cooked, I got to do the dishes.... and there were lots of them. While I was washing the boys watched NASCAR and bummed around. We got ready and then headed over to Rick's parents house and then to Samantha's to spend the rest of the day celebrating with his family. Three words: ice cream cake. For a girl that doesn't eat junk food, Samantha sure can make it. YUM.

This weekend was another whilrlwind, we were exhausted when we came home, but it was worth every second. Next time we will be up, my little brother's baby will be born. SO excited!

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