


I was thinking about inspiration the other day. What inspires me, and the times people, myself included, need inspiration. I have needed inspiration to run, to work harder, to write something in my blog, and sometimes just to manage day to day obligations with a smile on my face. I was jotting down various people that inspire me through their brilliance, ethics, faith, hard work, innovation, and even fashion. Here are a few of the people I have come up with:

Some people you may not recognize... some may seem silly, but to me, they offer something more individually than others may.

I do not know any of these people personally, so that then got me thinking about those in my everyday life that also inspire me. My parents, for being hard-working, devoted, role models, and loving me to no end. My husband, who is infinitely encouraging, affectionate, and so sweet and thoughtful every day, I am so lucky. My children I provide speech therapy, who overcome insurmountable odds, and keep me laughing. My closest friends, who I can turn to for support, a stress relieving vent fest, or just a girls' night now and again. Believe it or not, I even have a running inspiration. My friend Ann. She runs just for the fun of it. She doesn't have the fancy running clothes, expensive watches, worry about her next PR, or spend the day after she runs foam rolling, hobbling around, talking about it 24 hours a day. She runs because she likes it {and it allows her to eat the way she does and not be 200 pounds}. She runs far {19 miles in one day just because she didn't feel like stopping}, and damn if she isn't fast. She ran a 5k around her neighborhood the other day at a 7:20 pace. I can't sprint that fast. And certainly not very far. She doesn't get injured, never hobbles around, doesn't feel the stress of following a running schedule, nevers has a "bad run" because she is happy to be running at all, and actually told me she never stretches. She also runs during the day in the summertime here in Arizona. Come to think of it, she may be a robot. She inspires me to love running for what it does for my body and just the enjoyment of it. I wanna be like her.

Who are your inspirations??

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