

Caution: Whale Crossing.

This week I finally got back to exercising. 5 months into my pregnancy, I decided to do something besides lay on the couch and eat pickles. When I found out I was pregnant, I was only a month out from running a marathon, and I fully anticipated continuing with some sort of exercise regimen throughout my pregnancy. Then the 6 week mark hit, and I was literally on my ass. I was exhausted, sick, and overall just miserable. I threw up everyday from week 6 to week 14. After that, I was just accustomed to doing nothing, resting, and eating comfort food: macaroni and cheese and peanut butter and jelly were my staples. However, now, I am feeling great (thank goodness I only gained 8 pounds during those months of slugging it), and when my friend Jackie told me my workout buddies Ray and Rohan were asking about me at the gym, that was the last push I needed to get back out there.

So, the last two days have been gym workout days... I started slow- treadmill at a 4 or 5 incline, and worked up my speed to something I was comfortable with, and have really enjoyed it. I actually feel better and followed with a juiced concoction or homemade smoothie, I am a happy camper. It was great to see the people at the gym, they were all so sweet, congratulatory, and had great tips to help with the back pain I have been experiencing. I remembered why I started going there last summer, and I am excited to get back in to a regular schedule.

I was talking with my friend I recently visited in San Francisco, and she has signed up for her first half marathon! I am so excited she has caught the bug and decided to go for it- and training in the hills of San Fran will be no small feat... but it will make the actual race that much easier. I was kinda bummed that I won't be able to be there for her first race, to run or cheer, because it is in October, but we have talked about running Big Sur next April, my first marathon back after baby- and that is something I am looking forward to. I sent her this photo of myself getting ready to run yesterday, asking her if she is sure she doesn't want ALLL this running beside her during her first race- not a pretty sight.

The lovely person she is, she said of course she would- after all, I reminded her I could block all the wind if she ran behind me: but then she would probably have to be closer to walking than running. Oh well, here's to goals and plans for the future- but watch out for the whale crossing if you see me 'walgging' out on the streets.

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