


As I was driving into work today, I began thinking about all the things in my life that I am excited for coming up ... and then I realized that as of late, this little blog has not been so full of excitement, rather, a little complaining, and some summing up of daily happenings. It's time to bring back some of the excitement back to this here little blog. So here, in no particular order, are things that make my heart skip a beat whenever they cross my mind:

1. Celebrating my sweet husband's 30th birthday in Las Vegas with some dear friends in two short weeks.
2. Waking up to my sweet husband every day, for that matter.
3. Perhaps becoming parents soon with said sweet husband.
4. Upcoming holidays, cool air, and the smells of Fall emanating through my home.
5. Running a full marathon in December, if my body will allow it.
6. A wonderful friend that I can share recipes, daily annoyances, and fashion discoveries with.
7. Framing some pictures from a trip of a lifetime with friends of a lifetime, and displaying them proudly in my home.
8. Having an intimate birthday party for two to celebrate my husband's big 3-0 this weekend, and giving him his surprise gift.
9. A visit from friends this upcoming weekend to celebrate Yom Kippur with her parents (some of my favorite people).
10. Both of my wonderful brothers owning their own homes, and being in loving relationships. I am so proud.
11. Being a bridesmaid this April in my baby brother's wedding. I couldn't be more honored.
12. Making Christmas ornaments with girlfriends while the boys are off to Nascar this November.
13. Visiting the local wineries when my husband's fabulous Aunt and Uncle are in Tucson in November.
14. Spending 5 days with one of my besties in San Diego in November (with some conference-attending involved).
15. Traveling to someplace tropical with my husband's family this February to celebrate his darling Mother's 50th birthday. She doesn't look a day over 40.
16. Building a stronger and closer relationship with Rick's baby sister.
17. Cheering on our husbands competing in the Tough Mudder this January with one of my closest and best girlfriends. Hopefully we will be wearing tutus.
18. Loving my jobs (both of them) and the people I work with, and having a full client list. I do realize this is a blessing and a rarity.
19. Watching my sweet neighbor's baby girl grow in her tummy, and being able to learn from her first hand experience (and go halfsies on a running stroller).
20. Planning and dreaming about trip of a lifetime #2.... Ireland? Poland? Argentina? French Riviera? It's only two summers away!

le love

**Can you see why I am full of excitement?? I am so lucky and so blessed.

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