


This past Thanksgiving weekend was just about as good as it gets! We got up to Phoenix Wednesday, hung out with my parents, made caramel corn and hit the hay early. Thursday morning we did our annual Turkey Trot. This year, Rick and I ran the Anthem Turkey Trot. We wanted to try something new, because last year we did the Peoria one, and it was terrible. It was a dirt run, down and back around a cone, and super early so it was freezing cold!

The Anthem Turkey Trot did not disappoint. It was a beautiful course, had heated indoor bathrooms, and even had prizes that were bottles of wine for the winners! Best kind of prize there is, I say... I even picked up one of those babies for 3rd place in my age division. {24:55, 8:01 pace}. I really owe it to my sweet husband. Usually he just blows me out of the water, but this year he wanted to run it together, and hung back with me. He pushed me to go faster, encouraging me all the way, and I got a personal record because of it! He could have gone way faster, but didn't care about a trophy or PR for himself, just a fun time. He is so awesome.

After the race, we went back to my parents house to change, and get ready for Thanksgiving dinner. We had 18 people at my parents' house this year, including Rick's parents, his sister, and her boyfriend. We had the best time, my Mom cooked an amazing meal, and most importantly, we all got to be together all day long. It is so much better than traveling back and forth between houses! I hope we can do it that way every year. I had the best time with my brother's girlfriend's little daughter and son. They are so much fun and so cute, I love them to death.

This was my favorite picture from the whole day~ my 89 year old grandmother on the floor drawing and coloring with a four year old... so sweet:

The next day it was time for the MOvember Gala. The party celebrating the boys growing moustaches all month long to raise money for a prostate cancer research charity. As much as I do not love the moustache look, I can appreciate the fun in the event, love another excuse to all get together, and it is ultimately for charity. We all gathered together at Ann and Marcel's beautiful house and had Mexican food, a moustache-shaped cake and jello shot, beer pong, left-right-center, and lots of laughs. I love Thanksgiving weekend!

I also got to visit with an old friend. She makes any party better... It was lovely to see you, dear Leah.

The next morning, we had breakfast with Ann, Marcel, and Brielle, and headed back to Tucson to rest, put up Christmas decorations, and long run on Sunday- which went pretty well! I think I may be able to do this marathon thingy after all!

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